Our Mission

Our Mission We are dedicated to running a successful political campaign, for Rich Bright

“I, Richard Bright, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that
I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God”

I took that oath 40 years ago There is no End date to that oath, I served in Desert Storm in 1991 and two more times in Iraq in 2004-05 and 2008-09 Believing it was in our Nations interest, and in 26 years in the Active duty and WAARNG, I re-took that solemn oath an additional 8 more times

I Love this country, I believe in its greatness and I will never back down defending her. I am Proud to say “I am an American Veteran!”

I spent 17 years working at YTC, as a Army Federal Technician, and as Union President 8 of those years

Candidate for 15h District Position 2

I am in this race because I feel that is is critical we wrestle back control from the Liberal Democrats. There control in Washington, has and will continue to do damage to the Economy in Washington state, but has and will continue to erode our freedoms. Do you want a Government that will dictate what you drive, how you mow your lawn or cook your food, or what “Sensible” gun we can carry? WE MUST reestablish and defend our 2nd Amendments rights. While we still have them. I have been in Leadership most of my adult life. While in the Army, at YTC, In Non-profits, to my everyday life. I feel I can delver the Leadership lacking in Olympia

Words to live by, from the first president to inspire me.
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding
to protect us from ourselves” Ronald Regan

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

In 1995 got a job at the Yakima Training Center fixing Communication systems in the M-1 Abrams and Bradley fighting Vehicles, I also moved to Selah and took up residence in the Wenas, where I still live today. I am proud to have raised my daughter, who graduated class of 2023 at Selah HS. I volunteered at John Campbell, Playing Santa for the kindergartners and was a “Read & Treat” reader for close too 7 years, I took the lead as a Watch Dog (Outside Playground Volunteer attendant) at two Selah schools. At the Middle school and at the High School, Teaching History as a subject matter Expert. I want to add my voice to change the lack of Conservative Leadership in the Halls of the Capital. The job is a salary, so that 24/7 so I will endeavor to reduce the Barriers between myself and the constituents I hope to Represent.

“I believe life starts at Conception.”

Hello My name is Richard Bright, my friends call me Rich.

I am 58, I joined the Army right after High School and within 3 years was promoted to a leadership position. From 1986 till 2010 I was a leader. After my last deployment in 2009 I was medically retired from the Army my disabilities where deemed “COMBAT Related” I lead soldier on several dangerous missions. No one was injured under my leadership. We did a water Treatment plant, We gave the locals Clean water for the first time since Noah built an Ark.

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